
Past Announcements (2023)

IFCC WorldLab Dubai 2024

Congress delegates are cordially invited to submit abstracts of their scientific work for presentation as a free communication at the IFCC Worldlab Dubai 2024 Congress.
Deadline for submission: 15th January 2024

Happy Holidays from the APFCB 2024 Congress Committee

As the holiday season approaches, we wanted to take a moment to wish you a joyful and festive celebration. May this festive season be filled with laughter, good company, and moments to cherish.

Green Lab Webinar in collaboration with IACC

Date & Time Dec 2, 2023 11:30 AM
Description A part of HKKI GLEAM (Green Laboratory for Environment and Mankind) Initiative

IFCC Global MedLab Week 2024

We first would like to thank you for your support of the IFCC and its initiatives in support of the Laboratory Medicine profession and to Congratulate you for being nominated as a Champion of your country. We would like to inform you that from now on, we will work more closely in the worldwide global awareness programme mentioned below.

IFCC Task Force on Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines (TF-LMPG):
On behalf of Prof. Khosrow Adeli - IFCC President, announcing the establishment of the new IFCC Task Force on Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines (TF-LMPG) and the related membership call for nominations.
The new Task Force LMPG follows the recently launched program created to develop and disseminate best practice recommendations/guidelines in all areas of clinical laboratory medicine and facilitate implementation in clinical laboratories worldwide, as per attached document.

TF Membership applications should be directly submitted to the IFCC Office ( by November 30th, 2023.

International Congress of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (ICPLM) Saturday 25th May 2024
IFCC-Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (C-ETPLM)

Immunodeficiencies Immuno-flow cytometry in pediatric laboratory medicine

APFCB Laboratory Medicine Case Contest

Dear Laboratory Medicine fellows of Asia Pacific,

To show the clinical significance of laboratory medicine and encourage all the laboratory professionals in the Asia-Pacific region to pay more attention to special cases in routine work, the "APFCB Laboratory Medicine Case Contest", organized by APFCB (theAsia Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine) and Shenzhen Mindray BioMedical Electronics companywill start at August. This event is themed "Value of Laboratory Medicine: Resolve Clinical Challenges".

Asia-Pacific Cardiovascular Disease Alliance (APAC CVD Alliance)

New coalition formed to fight heart disease across Asia

  • Patients, allied health professionals, academia, corporate partners and a global health think-tank launch the Asia-Pacific Cardiovascular Disease Alliance (APAC CVD Alliance) to battle CVD across Asian health systems.
  • The APAC CVD Alliance will engage policymakers, patients, professionals, academia, non-profits, and implementation partners to champion increased attention and innovations for CVD.
  • The Alliance is keen to work with more patients in Asia – reach out at
The APFCB Young Scientists Award Competition 2023 to attend

The APFCB Young Scientist Award is a financial support of young scientist to attend IFCC meetings, which is conducted by the APFCB through its Education Committee with the following objectives:

  1. Foster scientific potential of young scientists within the Asia-Pacific region,
  2. As a means of aiding and encouraging young scientists in written and oral communication of their research results

Deadline of submission is March 31, 2023

Events with APFCB Auspices

“Auspices” of the APFCB designates recognition of a professional conference activity of high scientific and/or educational level.

The APFCB is committed to maintaining and promoting an exchange of information in Clinical Biochemistry. The Strategic Plan of the APFCB specifically states that a major effort should be made in the academic, clinical and industrial setting to create links of communication for clinical biochemists and physicians through highly qualified professional meetings which the APFCB may support in a variety of ways.

Events with APFCB Auspices

XVI International Congress of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine Satellite Meeting in Rome 2023 on 20th May 2023

A strong scientific program has been organized with expert international speakers discussing important topics including pediatric cases of COVID-19, advances in newborn screening and metabolic disease diagnosis/ monitoring, biomarkers in renal and cardiac disease, and application of algorithms in pediatric diagnostics.

Please find the official website

The program of the meeting can be found here

LiveMyLab Project

We, TF-YS, want to wish you a happy new year! We additionally want to raise your attention on “LiveMyLab Project”, an initiative launched by TF-YS in collaboration with C-PR. We invite you to participate in this world competition: You can record with your mobile phone your Lab (i.e. clinical lab & research) and explain it according to attached instructions. Deadline 28th February. The best videos will have a prize, and will be edited with a marketing company to distribute it all over the world and promote the Laboratory profession to the general public.

MZ Events


MZ Events s.r.l.

Via Carlo Farini, 81 20159 - Milano (Italy) +39 02 66802323


5 bursaries specifically addressed to EFLM Academy Members from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine.What the bursary covers: travel and 4-night accommodation up to Eur 1000,00.

Deadline to apply: within 1 March 2023


10 bursaries addressed to Young Scientists (≤35) EFLM Academy Members from EFLM National Society Members.What the bursary covers: travel and 4-night accommodation up to Eur 900,00.

Deadline to apply: within 1 March 2023


Up to 30 IFCC Travel Scholarships (sponsored by IFCC and Roche) designated to allow young scientists from selected countries to attend the XXV IFCC WORLDLAB – IFCC-EFLM EUROMEDLAB Congress to be held in Rome, from 21 to 25 May 2023 and the IFCC FORUM for Young Scientists (21 May 2023).

Deadline to apply: within 1 March 2023

APFCB Masterclass: Liver Function Tests

Back by popular demand! A/Prof. Ken Sikaris, our guest speaker for April, will discuss the interpretation of liver function tests.

Past Announcements (2022)

APFCB Congress 2022 Sydney

Asia-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (APFCB) Congress 2024 in Sydney, Australia

APFCB Masterclass: Serum/ Urine Protein

Ms Helen Martin, APFCB Secretary, will discuss the analysis and result interpretation of serum and urine protein.


Four Weekly Webinars Covering Evidence-Based Preanalytical Improvement On Specimen Collection.

APFCB Expert Panel on Laboratory Quality

In this interactive session on Laboratory Quality, Prof. Tony Badrick and Dr. Tze Ping Loh invite participants to raise questions or issues related to laboratory quality, and they will provide their views on the topics discussed.

ISubmission Guidelines APFCB News

The APFCB News is a newsletter which is published bi-yearly with the purpose of informing its members of the APFCB activities.


Celebrate Med Lab professionals around the World. An initiative of the IFCC

APFCB Masterclass: eGFR

Due to the difficulties of measuring glomerular filtration rate, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a mainstay of renal assessment. Although creatinine-based eGFR is often used, controversy exists over the best creatinine-based equation, and whether other biomarkers may have better clinical performance.

Clinical Chemistry Webinar

Biochemical monitoring of COVID-19 patients through in vitro diagnostic testing is critical for assessing disease severity and progression as well as monitoring therapeutic intervention.

Young Scientist Award Competition on the APFCB website

The APFCB Young Scientist Award Competition is a scientific paper competition conducted by the APFCB through its Education and Laboratory Management Committee with the following objectives.

WorldLab Seoul 2022: you are invited!

It is my great pleasure to present this welcoming message to all national and international conference participants, corporate sponsors, exhibitors and IFCC officers from around the world.

Masterclass in interpretative commenting: Anemia

In this webinar series on Interpretative Commenting, chemical pathology experts will discuss how to interpret laboratory test results, and add useful comments to the lab report, using only the minimal information available to the clinical laboratory.

Webinar on Masterclass in Interpretative Commenting

In this webinar series on interpretative commenting, chemical pathology experts discuss how to interpret various laboratory test results.

Webinar on Molecular Diagnostics

Join us to learn from health care professionals who have already introduced molecular diagnostics in their clinical routine.

Clinical Application of Access High Sensitivity Troponin | in The Emergency Department

This webinar is organized under the auspices of Asian-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB)

Past Announcements (2021)

Innovators wanted!

The World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific is calling for innovators with public health solutions for the Region.

Innovation Challenge open call sheet

The World Health Organization in the Western Pacific has launched the first WHO Western Pacific Innovation Challenge: Innovation for the Future of Public Health”.

LMCE 2021

LMCE 2021 (Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition) & KSLM 62nd Annual Meeting will be held at Songdo Convensia, Incheon in Korea from September 30 to October 2, 2021.

Invitation to IFCC Townhall 2021 for APFCB Region

The IFCC Townhalls are a new initiative aimed to significantly enhance internal communications within the IFCC organization and between the IFCC Executive Board and all IFCC member Societies and Regional Federations.

APFCB Mastercall in Interpretative Commenting

Associate Professor Chris Florkowski, our guest speaker for Wednesday 29th Sept, will discuss the essentials of Porphyria.

Leveraging the latest trends in the digital healthcare revolution

Transforming Data into Insights Webinar Series.

Phlebotomist Attribute, Knowledge Expectations and professionalism

The APFCB is pleased to invite you to attend this series of six webinars on the preanalytical phase.


The APFCB is pleased to invite you to attend this series of six webinars. Content will focus on how to safely procure quality specimens, how to minimize preanalytical error and thus reduce the risk of test result error and adverse patient outcome.

Webinars on Clinical Quality Control

ISO 15189, section, requires “the laboratory shall determine measurement uncertainty for each measurement procedure in the examination phases used to report measured quantity values on patients’ samples.

Beckman Coulter Sepsis Symposium with APFCB

IFCC Live Webinar on Newborn Screening

IFCC Live Webinar on Point of Care Testing

Webinar for Toxicology - Thermo Fisher Scientific

To Automate or not to Automate? Are you struggling with this question when it comes to implementing Drug Screening Test in your lab?

APFCB Masterclass in Interpretative Commenting-Dynamic Function Tests Pt2

In this webinar series on interpretative commenting, chemical pathology experts discuss how to interpret various laboratory test results.

IFCC Live Webinar on Quality in Clinical Laboratories

APFCB Masterclass in Interpretative Commenting - Cardiac Troponin

Associate Professor Chris Florkowski, our guest speaker for Wednesday 19th May, will discuss the interpretation of cardiac troponin results for management of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS).

APAC webinars on Prenatal Screening

what are the best clinical practices in pregnancy management ? Prenatal Screening solution throughout pregnancy

IFCC Live Webinar on Risk Management in Clinical Laboratories

APFCB Masterclass in Interpretative Commenting - Diabetes Tests

Associate Professor Wong Moh Sim, our guest speaker for Wednesday 28th April, will discuss the interpretation of results from Diabetes tests

APFCB MasterClass in Interpretative Commenting-Lipids and Lipoproteins

Back by popular demand! Our guest speaker A/Prof. Ken Sikaris applies the principles of how to interpret laboratory test results, to lipids and lipoproteins testing.

The IFCC-WL APFCB conference call minutes

The IFCC and APFCB have agreed that a joint conference would be more attractive and beneficial for both conference delegates and corporate sponsors and will ensure wider participation from laboratory professionals and industry partners across Asia-Pacific and around the world.

APFCB virtual workshop on Complete Guide on Laboratory Testing of COVID-19

As the information of laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 in rapidly evolving with new information arising in daily basis, laboratory professionals need a constant update on the developments.

Dynamic Function Tests

In this webinar series on interpretative commenting, Dr. Cherie Chiang discusses interpretation of dynamic function tests used in Endocrinology.

IFCC Global conference on covid-19

This year has been incredibly challenging for the scientific community, yet we have all made invaluable strides towards the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

IFCC Webinar

IFCC C-CB Appraisal of 2020 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients Presenting Without Persistent ST-Segment Elevation: Getting Cardiac Troponin Right 29 January 2021

APFCB Masterclass Endocrinology Part 2

In this webinar series on Interpretative Commenting, chemical pathology experts will discuss how to interpret various laboratory test results, using only the minimal information available to the clinical laboratory

Past Announcements (2020)

APFCB Masterclass in Interpretative Commenting

In this webinar series on interpretative commenting, A/Prof. Ken Sikaris applies the principles of how to interpret laboratory test results, to the many tests used to assess fertility.

MACB virtual conference

APFCB Endocrine Masterclass

In this webinar series on Interpretative Commenting, chemical pathology experts will discuss how to interpret various laboratory test results, using only the minimal information available to the clinical laboratory.

IFCC Live Webinar

Expanding Newborn Screening Globally: Reducing Infant Mortality Through Early Diagnosis - 4th November, 2020

AACB Virtual Conference

Thank you to all speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and delegates for attending the first ever AACB Virtual Conference which was held on Tues 27 and Wed 28 October 2020. Over 400+ attendees registered for the event!

IFCC Webinar on Advancing Internal and External Quality Assurance on a Global Scale

Advancing Internal and External Quality Assurance on a Global Scale

IFCC Webinar on Covid-19

COVID-19 Guidelines on Molecular, Serological and Biochemical/Hematological Testing

Thyroid Testing webinar part 2

MACB webinar

Webinar: Thyroid function test results

Past Announcements (2019)

APFCB Congress 2019 Glimpses



15th APFCB Congress 2019 Jaipur

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our vibrant country India to attend the Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, APFCB 2019 during November 17 to 20, 2019.

Invite for Member societies for APFCB Congress 2019

We have planned an exciting and informative scientific programme that has a broad and varied coverage of laboratory medicine.

Invite for Corporate members for APFCB Congress 2019

We have planned an exciting and informative scientific programme that has a broad and varied coverage of laboratory medicine.

IFCC Roche travel scholarship for APFCB 2019

Past Announcements (2018)


What a great annual scientific conference we were treated to in Sydney. Enormous credit to the conference organising committee, the AIMS and AACB scientific programming committees led by Robyn Wells and David Hughes and of course the conference secretariat.

AACB Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Satellite Meeting & Inaugural CMS Education Workshop

We are pleased to include a two-day Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (CMS) program post Conference to be held at ICC Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Past Announcements (2017)

IFCC Worldlab Durban 2017

ACBICON 2017 Lucknow

Past Announcements (2016)

EMSS-Mayo-SACB Lab Endo Course 22-23 February 2016

It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 10th International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation to be held from April 20 to 22, 2016 in Seoul, Korea.

Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition(LMCE 2016 & KSLM 57th Annual Meeting)

AACB AIMS 2016 Combined Scientific Meeting

Over 530 delegates, exhibitors and speakers enjoyed three days of outstanding scientific presentations, networking opportunities, and an Industry Exhibition with 53 booths and 35 organisations.

APFCB-SACB- Siemens QC Management Workshop (15th July 2016)

CCPSL AAS 2016 Scholarship Announcements

Cherry blossom symposia 2016

The Organizing Committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, industry workshops and poster presentations.

Past Announcements (2015)

APFCB Young Scientists Competition

The APFCB Young Scientist Award Competition is a scientific paper competition conducted by the APFCB through its Education and Laboratory Management Committee with the following objectives:

World Congress of Pathology/Mexican Federation of Clinical Pathology 2015

42nd National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India

The 4th AFCC LABMED Victoria Congress 2015 To Be Held in Harare Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Association of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ZACB) is ready and greatly honoured to host the historic 4th African Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Congress at the Rainbow Towers, the Harare International Conference Centre in Harare from 25-30th April 2015.

Euromedlab 2015

Paris, Frankrikes hovedstad, er en stor europeisk by og et globalt senter for kunst, mote, gastronomi og kultur. Bybildet fra 1800-tallet er krysset av brede boulevarder og Seinen.

International Society for Enzymology Annual Conference 29th June to 1st July 2015

Following the successful International Society for Enzymology Annual Conference 2014 in the island of KOS, Greece, we are now announcing the next ISE Annual Conference 2015.

AACB 53rd Annual Scientific Conference 15-17 September 2015, ANZ Stadium, Sydney NSW

Participants will hear from local and international experts and have the opportunity to see the latest in POCT devices that are currently available in Australia. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions of industry experts about their devices.

Apfcb-Aacb Travel Scholarship 2015

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