Today we celebrate International Women's Day and the women of APFCB 2024. International Women's Day is a celebration of the achievements and contributions of women worldwide. It's a time to recognize their resilience, strength, and impact on society.
Let's continue to champion gender equality, empower women in all spheres of life, and strive for a more inclusive and equitable future for all. Happy International Women's Day!
Dr Carla Cuthbert
Carla D. Cuthbert, Ph.D. is the Chief of the Newborn Screening and Molecular Biology Branch (NSMBB) in the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Centre for Environmental Health, in the US Centre’s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Dr Cuthbert gives leadership and oversight to NSMBB, a Branch that comprises several laboratories that support performance evaluation of domestic and international newborn screening programs as a Proficiency Testing Provider and by creating and distributing other quality assurance reference materials.
Professor Maxine Whittaker
Maxine Whittaker is a public health physician and health systems researcher working on improving the health systems/services to increase accessibility and acceptability of quality services to populations and a public health leader in One Health.
Maxine has worked closely over the last 20 years on health systems strengthening for vector borne disease prevention, surveillance and response, management, policy translation from implementation research, and community engagement/community systems strengthening. She is the Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases and was the Dean of the College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences at James Cook University from Jan 2016- October 2021.
Take advantage of the Early Bird Registration discount and register to APFCB 2024. Entitlements include:
- Access to all Congress sessions 31 October - 3 November 2024 (Note: Pre-Congress workshops are an additional cost).
- Access to the Exhibition and Posters, Conference app with program and abstracts, Name badge and delegate satchel.
- Daily catering: Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on Thursday-Saturday; morning tea and lunch on Sunday.
- Ticket to the Welcome Reception held on 31 October 2024.
- Ticket to the Congress Dinner held on 1 November 2024.
- Access to on-demand content post Congress for 6 months.
Early Bird Registration closes 18 July 2024. Maximise your savings by registering early.
Just under 2 months until the Call for Abstracts close on 18 April 2024. Now is your chance to submit your oral or poster presentation. Authors have multiple theme options to choose from:
Authors have the option to submit for either an oral or poster presentation in one of the below themes:
- Regional issues
- Public Health
- Neonatal/Paediatric disease
- Molecular Diagnostics
- Chronic Diseases
- General Biochemistry
- Haematology/Microbiology
- Laboratory Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Laboratory Management
- Workforce Development
- Metabolic medicine
- Immunology
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
For all enquiries please contact the APFCB 2024 Congress Secretariat.
GPO Box 3270
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: +61 (02) 9254 5000
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