
Terms of Reference of Laboratory Management Committee

The Committee, known as the Laboratory Management Committee, shall be a Standing Committee of the Asia-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (APFCB) and responsible to the Federation’s Council.

It shall be concerned with developing an laboratory management educational network within member Associations/ Societies of the Federation for the sharing of educational materials and resources and in coordinating the activities of the national educational representatives of the member Associations/ Societies.


Provide APFCB members and the health-care community with laboratory management education activities relevant to the region in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

1. Membership

  1. The Committee shall consist of a Chair and Members appointed by the Executive Board.
  2. The Chair of the C-ELM (or a full member as his/her nominee) shall attend meetings of the Council.
  3. The President of the Federation (or his/her nominee from the Council) and the Chairs of the other Standing Committees shall be ex-officio members and shall attend meetings of the Committee.
  4. The C-ELM shall have at least 1 Corporate Member on the Committee

2. Major Activities

  1. To promote, organise, direct and/or support courses for post-graduate training in laboratory management and environmental impact awareness throughout the Asian- Pacific region.
  2. To organise Educational Workshops on specific subjects of laboratory management and environmental issues of educational value, relevance and current concern to the practice of clinical biochemistry in conjunction with the biennial Asian- Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry or other major conferences held within the region.
  3. To coordinate the APFCB activities in laboratory management and environmental awareness within the region.
  4. To solicit, collect, edit and provide materials for regular contribution of the C- ELM in the APFCB Newsletter.
  5. To liaise on educational matters, through nominated representatives, with equivalent bodies in other relevant organisations.
  6. To collect, store and provide access to educational materials generated or received by the Federation to the membership.

3. Working Groups (WGs)

  1. WGs will be set up by the C-ELM to undertake the organisation and conduct of local ELM educational programmes

4. Expenses

  1. The Chair of the C-ELM shall submit an annual budget to Council for approval. Depending on the financial situation of the Federation, the budget will allow for the following items:
    • Travelling expenses necessarily incurred by full members of the Committee for travel undertaken on Committee business.
    • Expenses associated with the activities of the Committee members’ expenses
    • Additional Committee costs such as secretarial assistance, postage, stationary, etc.
  2. Members of the Committee should be encouraged to obtain travelling expenses from outside sources wherever possible; however, sponsorship by industry should be made known to Council for record purposes.

5. Minutes and Reports

  1. Copies of the Minutes of Committee Meetings should be sent to the Secretary of the Federation and to full, ex-officio and co-opted members of the Committee.
  2. A report of the activities of the Committee will be made by its Chair to Council prior to each Council Meeting in time for circulation to Council members with the Agenda.
  3. National Representatives are responsible for preparing progress reports of their respective WGs to the Committee and documenting all expenses incurred.

6. Responsibilities of C-ELM Chair

  • has the task of overall planning and guidance of the activities of the Committee;
  • prepares the annual plan and sets targets and deliverables for the C-ELM;
  • prepares an annual report to be circulated to the Executive Board;
  • is responsible to Council for such activities;
  • represents the Federation on C-ELM Committee of other bodies requesting such representation;
  • sets the terms of reference for Committee members for approval by the Executive Board.

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